The first public hydrogen station in construction in Luxembourg

Luxembourg, September 14, 2022 – On September 14, 2022, François Bausch, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Mobility and Public Works and Claude Turmes, Minister of Energy, in the presence of representatives of TotalEnergies Marketing Luxembourg, Nicolas Leblond and Eric Bleyer, gave a presentation on the development of the first public hydrogen station in Luxembourg. The first public hydrogen station in Luxembourg will be commissioned towards the end of 2022/beginning of 2023 by TotalEnergies. This first station in the Grand Duchy provides for the supply of hydrogen to light vehicles, commercial vehicles and heavy goods vehicles and will be created in ZAE Wolser A in Bettembourg, at the secure road center (“CRS”) of Eurohub Sud CFL, as part of the European “H2Benelux” project.

This project, launched by the European Commission, aims to create eight hydrogen refueling stations in the Benelux, including one in Luxembourg. A consortium of eight companies has been established, including TotalEnergies, which has undertaken to implement the hydrogen refueling station in Luxembourg. Beyond this commitment, TotalEnergies plans to build a new multi-energy station in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in the coming years, which will offer, among other things, electrical terminals and the distribution of hydrogen. Given the innovative nature of the multi-energy site, the government welcomes the initiative and supports TotalEnergies as much as possible.

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