Pharmacy and Medication Department

The Pharmacy and Medication Department is part of the National Health Directorate under the authority of the Ministry of Health.

It has authority over all questions relating to the pharmacy industry and related professions in the public and private sectors, as well as questions relating to medicinal products for human use in general and more particularly, the manufacture of medicinal products, their control, marketing, advertising, distribution, importation and exportation.

Its authority also extends to drug precursors, narcotics and psychotropics, veterinary medicinal products, cosmetic and hygienic products as well as genetically modified organisms.


In the context of international trade, the Pharmacy and Medication Department verifies the conditions of the marketing of the products that it monitors and delivers, as appropriate, import and export authorizations on a case-by-case basis (drug precursors, narcotics and psychotropics).

The transport, storage and handling of medicinal products for human and veterinary uses are subject to strict rules that are called Good Distribution Practices (GDP). These practices must be carried out in appropriate conditions defined by marketing authorizations or other specifications directly related to the products in question.

Organizations that must follow good distribution practices are the following:

  • holders of manufacture and import authorizations
  • holders of authorizations for wholesale distribution

The Pharmacy and Medication Department carries out inspections to make sure that the distribution sites are compliant with the requirements of good practices. Certificates of good distribution practices and authorization of wholesale distribution are delivered as appropriate by the Ministry of Health.

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