The Directorate of Inland Navigation and Logistics, is part of the Department of Mobility and Transport of the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works. It provides a link with the Inland Navigation Service, the Port of Mertert and the other ministries. It prepares laws and regulations and legislative monitoring in the area of transport of passengers and goods by inland waterways. It also provides representation of Luxembourg on the international bodies, such as the Moselle Commission, the CCNR, the CESNI and the UNECE.
The Directorate works for safe, high-performance, environmentally conscious navigation.
It regularly organizes links between startups and established transport and logistics companies and acts as an observer at the Cluster for Logistics.
It is also in charge of cross-discipline issues concerning several types of transport such as the Lean & Green certification of the transport and logistics sector or the promotion of electronic transport documents, such as e-CMR or eFTI.
In the context of inland waterway navigation, the Directorate of Inland Navigation and Logistics is in charge of managing the fleet and delivering certificates of tonnage or accreditation, community certificates or business permits or used oil inspection booklets.
It also recognizes certificates related to navigation personnel and cooperates in technical areas with classification societies and with experts and specialists. It is moreover in charge of managing the European Hull Database, a database of boat registrations in Europe.
- request for accreditation or the delivery of certificates of tonnage
- request for community certificate
- request for certificate of approval (ADN)
- accreditation as an IT service provider for Electronic Consignment Notes (e-CMR).
Directorate of Inland Navigation and Logistics4, Place de l'Europe
L-1499 Luxembourg