
In their quest for enhanced competitiveness, many industrial manufacturers are looking for the ideal location for developing, producing and distributing their products. In this respect, Luxembourg offers many opportunities for industrial manufacturers operating on a global scale. What makes Luxembourg stand out is the fact that it manages to combine a unique series of assets.

Luxembourg is known for being an innovative and technology base for various high-value industrial goods ranging from the steel, glass and plastic industries to the aeronautic and automotive industries. Many companies in Luxembourg have already set up major production plants and/or distribution centres to deliver their high-value products to their European and/or international customers in an efficient, fast and secure way.

Did you know that...

... the high-strength steel beams used to build the Freedom Tower comes from Luxembourg
... the low-emissivity glass used in the Burj Khalifa Tower comes from Luxembourg
... the steel ball used in your ballpoint pens might come from Luxembourg
... that American president's limousine is equipped with tyres made in Luxembourg.

At a glance

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