Ministry of the Economy
The Ministry of the Economy is one of the major sponsors of the Single Window for Logistics programme. Formally mandated as general coordinator of this programme (Council of Government of April, 25 2014), it ensures the alignment between governmental interests and interests of all other stakeholders. The Ministry of the Economy is in charge of the promotion of foreign trade and of the development of the logistics sector. It is the supervising ministry for the Control office for exports, imports and transit, ILNAS, the Luxembourg maritime administration and the national statistical institute STATEC.

Ministry of Finance
The Ministry of Finance is one of the major sponsors of the Single Window for Logistics programme. It is the supervising ministry for the Customs and Excise Administration and the Registration Duties, Estates and VAT Authority.

Ministry of Mobility and Public Works
The Ministry of Mobility and Public Works is one of the major sponsors of the Single Window for Logistics programme. It is responsible for major logistics infrastructures and supervising authorities in the transport domain.

Ministry of Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development
The Ministry of Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development is one of the major sponsors of the Single Window for Logistics programme. It is responsible for environmental matters.

Customs and Excise Administration
The Customs and Excise Administration is one of the major sponsors of the Single Window for Logistics programme. It is also the key business partner due to the customs and logistics nature of the programme. The Customs and Excise Administration is in charge of the implementation of the Single state entry point as part of its "Customs MASP" programme.

Government IT Center
The Centre des Technologies de l’Information de l’Etat (CTIE) is one of the major sponsors of the Single Window for Logistics programme. It is the key technology partner. In addition to its technological expertise, it acts as supplier of IT services and of project methods. The CTIE hosts major Luxembourg State systems such as and its interactive platform proposing useful administrative procedures for companies and citizens. It actively supports the implementation of the new IT platform in the context of the "Customs MASP" programme.

Partner Government Agencies implied in logistics operations
- Ministry of State
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Culture
- Ministry of Justice
- Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development
- Ministry of Mobility and Public Works
- Ministry of Agriculture, Viticulture and Consumer protection
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of the Economy
- Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy
- Chamber of Commerce
Cluster for Logistics Luxembourg
In order to fully understand the economic operators requirements and implement a Single Window corresponding as closely as possible to their expectations, a partnership has been established with the Cluster for Logistics. The Cluster for Logistics serves as link to communicate with economic operators.

Luxembourg Maritime Cluster
A partnership has also been established with the Luxembourg Maritime Cluster to understand requirements specific to the maritime sector.

Expertise and support
VAT Solutions contributes to the Single Window for Logistics programme with its expertise in customs procedures and VAT.