Certificates for agricultural products are certificates required by the European Union (EU) for imports or exports of certain agricultural products.
These certificates allow the EU to monitor the trade of agricultural products with third countries, to compensate for the difference, in the case of exports, between the prices of some of these products in the EU and their prices outside of the EU and, in the case of imports, to allow companies to benefit from reduced customs duties.
To export some agro-food products outside of the EU, exporters must, prior to the departure of the goods, apply for AGREX export certificates.
AGRIM import certificates are delivered to importers of agricultural food from third countries.
In Luxembourg, these certificates are delivered by the Customs and Excise Administration.

Related products
These certificates are delivered for some agricultural and agro-food products governed by the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the complete list of which is shown here.
Certificate applications
Applications for certificates for agricultural products are available on the Customs and Excise Administration website:
- Application for an export certificate (AGREX) for agricultural products
- Application for an import certificate (AGRIM) for agricultural products.
Related documents
A phytosanitary certificate for plants and plant products, or a health certificate for animal products and other food products, is required from the importing country in the case of imports, and from the exporter in the case of exports.
Agencies concerned
AGRIM and AGREX certificates are delivered by the Customs and Excise Administration.
The Ministry of Agriculture is in charge of returns based on AGREX and AGRIM certificates delivered.